Your Weekly Update
We are interested in what is happening in your parish and would love to highlight those events and news in our newsfeed. We look forward to your contributions - feel free to forward your event announcements, your parish news, your stories. Send in your details and pictures to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca. |
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Thy Kingdom ComeMay 30 to June 9 Join the global wave of prayer calling all Christians to pray for more people to come to know Christ, between Ascension Day, May 30 and Pentecost, June 9. For more information, ideas to engage fellow Christians, and to register to pray, click here. |
Education for Ministry GraduationSunday, June 9 Mentors, students, past graduates and anyone interested in the Education for Ministry program are invited to join the EfM Community at a Eucharist celebration honoring the graduates of the 2018/2019 program, on Sunday evening, June 9 at 7:00 pm, at St. Barnabas Anglican Church, Calgary. Education for Miinistry is a program of theological education for lay people. There are four years of study, but participants commit for one year at a time, meeting in small groups with a trained mentor. The program combines academic study with components to help participants take what they learn about Scripture, church history, theology and ethics into their own lives and hearts, supporting them to live out a vibrant baptismal ministry in the church and in the world. Registration for the 2019/2020 course is now open. For more information, please contact ctubman@shaw.ca
Archbishop Greg's Activities and Events
A look at Archbishop Greg's activities over the next few weeks: June 8 - Ordination of John Chuol, St. Luke, Calgary (1:00 pm) June 9 - Confirmation Service, St. Augustine, Lethbridge (10:00 am) June 9 - Education for Ministry Graduation Eucharist, St. Barnabas, Calgary (7:00 pm) June 11 - Induction of The Rev. Brian Vickers, Holy Nativity, Calgary (7:00 pm) June 12 - 15 - Indigenous General Assembly, Diocese of Saskatchewan, Prince Albert, SK June 16 - All Saints, Cochrane (10:00 am) June 16 - Collation of Archdeacon Pilar Gateman, Cathedral (4:30 pm)
Diocesan Announcements
Ordination: Diaconate: John Chuol of St. Paul Dinka, Calgary, currently a Theological Student at Emmanual St. Chad in Saskatoon, will be ordained to the Order of Deacons on The Eve of Pentecost, Saturday, June 8, at St. Luke, Calgary at 1:00 pm. Holy Nativity, Calgary: The Rev. Brian Vickers has been appointed as Incumbent as of June 1. A Service of Installation will be Tuesday, June 11 at 7:00 pm, at Holy Nativity. Archdeacon of Calgary: The Diocesan Office is pleased to announce that after much prayerful deliberation, Archbishop Greg has appointed The Rev. Pilar Gateman as the new Archdeacon of Calgary! A service of Collation will be held Trinity Sunday, June 16 at 4:30 pm (Evensong) at the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer. Clergy are invited to vest in "Choir Habit" (cassock and surplus, or alb and stole). Color is White. Let us keep Pilar in our prayers as she carries out her ministry as Executive Archdeacon. St. Benedict, High River: The Rev. Sean Devlin has been appointed as part-time Incumbent. A Service of Installation will be Wednesday, June 19 at 7:00 pm, at St. Benedict. Ordination: Priesthood: The Rev. Deacons Carmen Maier, Rob Cowie, Jerrod McCormack, Matthew Perreault and Gerald Skeet will be ordained to the Order of Priests on Saturday, June 22, at the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer at 11:00 am. Please pray that God will bless them as they begin these new ministries, and consider attending these services to support them. |
Annual Returns
The Annual Returns that each parish must fill out and submit to the Diocesan Office can be found on our website under Resources/Documents/Annual Return Forms. If you have not submitted your forms, please send them in as soon as possible. Also, we would appreciate having your Missional Footprint forms in to our office at your earliest convenience. Thank you so much to those of you who have sent your Annual Returns in already. |
Diocesan Committee Meetings
Tuesday, June 11 - Audit Committee (10:00 am) Tuesday, June 11 - BARDs (10:00 am) Tuesday, June 11 - A&F Committee (2:00 pm) Tuesday, June 18 - Diocesan Council (10:00 am) |
Parish Events
St. Andrew, Calgary: Spring Concert Series: The last of St. Andrew's Lunchtime Spring Concert series will be at 12:00 noon on June 11 for 45 minutes. Free admission; donations accepted. People are welcome to bring a lunch to enjoy while they listen to the music. June 11: Nan Hughes Poole, Mezzo Soprano and Claire Butler, piano For more information, click here.
St. Paul, Calgary: "Thy Kingdom Come" event: St. Paul, Calgary will be hosting an Ecumenical Service of Prayer at 7:00 pm on June 9 (Day of Pentecost). Everyone is invited to share in this time of seeking the coming of God's kingdom, and the doing of God's will, on earth as it is in heaven.
Holy Cross, Calgary: Lectio Divina: All are invited to The Anglican Parish of Holy Cross for an evening of silence, prayer and biblical meditation. An Evening of Lectio Divina will be held on the second Tuesday of every month, starting at 6:30 pm, next on June 11. Everyone is welcome.
Anglican Health Care Chaplains GatheringMay 30 to June 2, 2019 Five Spiritual Care Providers (Chaplains) from the Diocese of Calgary joined colleagues professionally employed in health care from across Canada, in the first Anglican Health Care Chaplains National Gathering. In his letter of welcome to the chaplains, Archbishop Fred Hiltz wrote, “More than anyone else, you understand the challenges patients and families face with regard to medical assistance in dying. Yours is a demanding ministry and I am mindful of how costly it can be for you and your own wellbeing – physical, emotional and spiritual.” The agenda included: plenary sessions on self-care; who chaplains serve and who supports them; and the relationship of professional Spiritual Care Providers to the church. In recognition of the changing nature of healthcare, a large portion of time was devoted to discussing Medical Assistance in Dying (M.A.I.D.). At the end of the weekend the gathered spiritual care providers expressed gratitude for the event, particularly for the: affirmation of their ministry, healing and celebratory worship, the sharing and acceptance of heartfelt stories, and the mutual support they experienced. They left with an ardent hope that this was the first of many gatherings. Shown in the photo above are The Rev. Jerrod McCormack, The Rev. Carolyn Herold, The Rev. Dr. Philip Behman, Mrs. Tracey Stagg and The Rev. Giovanni DiVincenzo. |
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Missional EngagementGood News Stories to Inspire Our Mission Call Food & Friends - Feeding People in Many Ways In 2012, the parish of St. Michael, Canmore facilitated a community discussion on poverty. Despite being seen as a wealthy community, the high cost of living has resulted in varied manifestations of poverty within the Bow Valley, one of which is the lack of food security. From this discussion, a collaborative effort was born between St. Michael and other local churches and community groups beginning in February 2013 to provide a weekly meal called Food & Friends. Food & Friends is open to absolutely everyone at no cost, and provides a nourishing and filling meal every Monday evening. Each meal consists of a homemade soup, an entree, a salad or two, veggies and dip, cheese and pickles and an abundance of dessert. The meals take place at St. Michael's hall and are cooked in its kitchen. However, it would be a mistake to call this anything other than a community initiative. To date, individuals have been assisted from every walk of life, and volunteers are provided on a rotating schedule from six churches of different denominations, local community service clubs, youth social justice groups from both the public and Catholic schools and many more. Funding or in-kind support are provided by patrons who are able to put some money in the basket on the dessert table, individual donations, grants from Rotary and Lions clubs, the Bow Valley Food Bank, 100 Women Who Care, the local thrift store, Farm Box, St. Michael's, Save On Foods and a number of local businesses. Since Food & Friends' inception, it has served over 53,000 dinners! More remarkably, each quarter over quarter sees a continuous growth in the number of dinners served. Currently, each Monday night sees an average of over 340 dinners served. Are all of these people hungry? Yes, but not necessarily only for food. Some patrons are clearly lacking food due to limited financial resources, but others are hungry in different ways...seniors seeking an outing together, single parents being able to "treat" their kids to a healthy dinner out, young workers on their own for the first time looking for a home cooked meal, those who are lonesome and in desperate need for fellowship, old timers looking for that community feel they cherished from days gone past, and the list goes on. If you would like to find out more about this initiative, lessons learned and key elements needed for success, feel free to contact Rev. Sean Krausert (Deacon). |
Positions in the Diocese
Church of the Ascension, Coaldale: .3 position available For more information on this position, please contact: pgateman@calgary.anglican.ca. Please pray for the parish of St. Luke, Calgary as they discern a new Incumbent. |
Wisdom Centre Events
Interfaith Bible Study: Wednesdays in June, 1:00 to 2:30 pm. No need to register. Come to as many sessions as you like. Meetings will be at B'nai Tikvah Temple (900 - 47 Ave SW, Calgary). Chaos, Decline, Revitalization and Rebirth: The Church in the 21st Century: July 8 to 12. A one-week course at Sorrento Retreat Centre, led by The Rev. Anna Greenwood-Lee and The Rev. Christine Conkin. The course is $335, and takes place in the mornings, leaving afternoons free. For information on Wisdom Centre events click here. |
All Saints Retreat Centre, Cochrane
The All Saints Family Centre Society is a registered non-profit society connected to All Saints Anglican Church in Cochrane, providing community outreach. We offer a variety of courses, workshops and retreats, as well as space for rent for courses, speakers and retreat days. For more information or a tour of the facility, please contact Elizabeth Short at (403) 660-5636, or email Karen and Elizabeth at allsaintsretreatcentre@outlook.com. Non-Violent Communication Group: "Cultivating Compassion through Communication." Thursday, June 13 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. All are welcome to come and play with words with us as we explore the language tools of "compassionate communication" and "language of the heart." Come back to centre; transform conflict situations and speak with clarity; see under the circular story to speak to what matters; hear the important "yes" behind the "no"; connect more deeply with those you love. RSVP to altinholt@gmail.com. Suggested donation $25 drop in. Mettle Counselling: Patti Lott, M.A. is a spiritually-trained counsellor for individuals and couples. Her calling is to support others managing life's challenges, as a life skills coach, using a holistic counselling approach, addressing mind, body, spirit and heart. She is an experienced speaker and workshop/retreat facilitator. For more information or to book her services, please contact her at (403) 819-3417 or mettle.p@telus.net Grief Support for Loss of a Loved One: Elizabeth Short, Director of En-Courage, will be offering another six-week course. Please contact her at elizabeth@en-courage.ca or call (403) 660-5636 to indicate dates/times you would prefer. When a group is put together, dates/times for the next session will be confirmed. Suggested price of $120 for 6 sessions. |
Articles Wanted
Used Surplices: two surplices wanted, one 6' mens and one 5'6" womens. Please contact Matthew Hicks. Thank you. |
Cemetery Plots for Sale
The Parish of Holy Cross, Calgary has six burial plots in Mountain View Cemetery (1515 - 100 Street SE, Calgary) for sale. Similar open plots in the mature part of the cemetery vary in price from $3885 to $7245 each. Each plot includes the right for one casket and two ash urns, or no casket and three ash urns. If you are interested, please contact John at (403) 288-7636. |
A Call to Prayer for the Election of Our New PrimateFive Bishops Nominated The General Synod will choose a new Primate, to replace the retiring Archbishop Fred Hiltz in Vancouver this July. The nominated Bishops are The Right Rev. Jane Alexander (Edmonton), The Most Rev. Ron Cutler (Nova Scotia & PEI, and Metropolitan of Canada), The Most Rev. Greg Kerr-Wilson (Calgary, and Metropolitan of Rupert's Land), The Right Rev. Linda Nicholls (Huron), and The Right Rev. Michael Oulton (Ontario). “Almighty God, giver of all good gifts, look on your Church with grace, and guide the minds of those who shall choose a Primate for our beloved Church, that we may receive a faithful servant who will care for your people and support us in our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord.” |
Beyond the Diocese
Walk for Common Ground 2019: A group of 30 walkers from the Union of Healthcare Professionals, faith-community members, school division leaders, Dr. Pat Makokis and members of First Nations communities across Treaty 6 and 7 Territory, are embarking on a walk from Edmonton to Calgary, from May 31 to June 14. Along the way, they will engage community members in evenings of education and reflection on our Treaties with Indigenous people. Community members and supporters are encouraged to join the walk - a few minutes, a few hours, or a few kilometres. Join this relationship-building process not only for physical fitness, but for inspiration and reconciliation. For more information, click here. Knox Presbyterian Church: "Understanding the Doctrine of Discovery" with Rev. Mark Tremblay. What is it? How to repudiate it? Monday, June 10, 7:00 pm. 3704 - 37th Street SW, Calgary. For more information, call (403) 242-1808. Accomodation available in Edmonton for students: Christ Church Anglican Church in Edmonton has recently taken the old rectory and turned it into affordable Christian housing for university students. Rooms will be available in September. To apply or for more information, please click here. Sorrento Centre Summer Programs: Now is the time to start planning your summer visit to Sorrento in the beautiful Shuswap. Click here to visit the website to view summer offerings. We look forward to welcoming you to the Centre!
Prayer Requests
Please remember in your prayers: - those who are sick or suffering. - those who have died and those who mourn - the victims of the violence and natural disasters, remembering the communities affected by forest fires - our Companion Diocese of the Windward Islands, and their Bishop Leopold Friday Request a prayer: Send prayer requests to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca to let us know how we can pray for you. We will only use first names which will be removed after two or three weeks. We will also pray for you during our regular Chapel services each week. Please ensure that you have permission from those whose names you are submitting for prayer, and that they understand their name will be made public to all who subscribe to the Newsletter.