Missional Minute
The Easter service was wonderful! The sermon was deeply moving and inspirational. And then it took a turn; it became uncomfortable. The minister's final message was, "Now, go and tell others." I squirmed in my pew and I'm sure other like-minded Anglicans did as well. I love God. I am grateful for Easter. But I am not pushy or a loud mouth, so how am I going to go out and tell others?? This is not the first time that I have heard, "Go and tell." I have actually given it some thought with great trepidation. When could I tell someone? What would I say? What would they say? And what if I offend them? These are just some of the questions that make me hesitate to say anything to anyone. Then something happened. My girlfriend's husband was not well. It was quite serious. Without thinking, I said, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I will pray for you." She breathed a heartfelt, "Thank you." I was surprised. She wasn't offended at all. In fact, she was grateful that I would pray for him. I realized then that I had just shared, in a roundabout way that I believe in God and that I think He can make a difference. I was being missional; I was "telling." This has led me to think of other times that I could share about my faith in God in a natural way. Friends ask me to go for coffee Sunday mornings. I always beg off with some lame excuse, but in the future, I could say, "I love going to church but I could meet you afterward." I don't have to be preachy about church, just that I like going. This is the truth; I do like church. I like the peace I feel when I enter. I like the beauty of the stained glass. I just feel God when I'm there. I don't have to say so, but if friends ask me why, I am ready with an answer. Maybe that's the key, to be prepared. And maybe the other key thing is prayer itself. If my friend with the sick husband asks me if I believe prayer works, I can say I know prayer works. God has answered my prayers many times. There was the time I crashed into a barrier on a remote highway and had no cell service. I was stuck. A desperate prayer and some helpless waiting followed. Ten minutes later, a tow truck, out on another call, saw my predicament and stopped. True story! Prayer was answered! I think I am going to ask God to give me little opportunities where I can share with others that God is real, and has worked in my life. Finally, I realized I can start with baby steps. Telling a friend that I will pray is not a big thing, but I know that God can use little things. So, with preparation and prayer, I just might be able to "go and tell" even if it's just a little bit. And God can take it from there! |
Missional Coaching
The Missional Coaches are excited to bring you workshops - especially now that we are able to come in person. We have a foundational workshop which gives the background and helps to understand the history and how that affects our perceptions. Then there are more specific workshops after that, including: Missional Organization Structures Missional Community Missional Youth and Children Missional Small Groups Sharing our Personal Faith Missional Communication We would love to come and work with you as a parish to see how you are already being missional, and how we can support you in small ways to consider a new mindset about becoming more missional. Please contact the Diocese Office to set up a time to chat about your missional goals and book your workshop! |
Diocesan Announcements
Ordinations: Archbishop Greg is pleased to announce that, God willing, he will ordain to the Priesthood, The Rev. Dean Hartung on May 10 at 7:00 pm, at Dean's home parish of St. Aldhelm, Vulcan. Please pray for Dean as he begins a new phase of his ministry. Color is White. Archbishop Greg is pleased to announce that, God willing, he will ordain to the Diaconate Tom Hubschmidt, who will be interning at Holy Cross, Calgary from May to July, and will be a Transitional Deacon, and Carol Tubman, who will be a Vocational Deacon. The Service of Ordination will take place at Holy Cross, Calgary, on Thursday, May 19 at 7:00 pm. Please pray for Tom and Carol as they prepare for their new ministries. Color is White.
Induction: Archbishop Greg will, God willing, conduct a Service of Induction for Rev. Nicole Janelle as Incumbent of St. Stephen, Calgary, on Sunday, May 15, at the 10:00 Service. Clergy who are available are asked to attend to support their sister in her ministry. Color is White. |
Blessing of the Oils and Renewal of Vows ServiceApril 12, 2022 An in-person service to bless sacred oils for use by the clergy and a renewal of Ordination vows was held on Tuesday, April 12 at the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer, Calgary. Although there was unseasonal cold and snow outside, there was a genuine collegial warmth as the clergy were able to gather together in-person for this event for the first time in over two years. Thank you to Rev. Deacon Marcus Herrel for contributing the photo. |
Archbishop Greg's Activities and Events
April 22 & 23: ACW Conference (via Zoom) April 24: Confirmation Service at Holy Cross, Calgary April 26: Diocesan Council April 28 to May 1: Provincial Synod, Prince Albert, SK May 3 & 4: Clergy Conference (via Zoom) May 8: Baptism Service at St. George, Calgary May 10: Ordination Service at St. Aldhelm, Vulcan May 15: Induction Service at St. Stephen, Calgary |
Job Posting - Full-Time IncumbentCathedral Church of the Redeemer, Calgary Search has begun for a Full-Time Incumbent position for the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer. If you are interested in reading the parish profile, please be in touch with the Executive Officer by email. |
ACW Annual Renewal ConferenceFriday, April 22 and Saturday, April 23 For more infomation visit: http://calgary.anglican.ca/events/acw-annual-renewal-conference--216/2022-04-22
Five Foundational Practices of Christian Spirituality
5 Foundational Practices of Christian Spirituality is designed to help anyone seeking a deeper engagement with their faith. Faith is to be lived out, not just meditated on. But how do we do this? This course walks through 5 Practices that have informed Christian living throughout the history of the Church. Participants will learn practical strategies for embodying their faith in the context of everyday life. More information on this course can be found here. |
Anglican Laity RetreatMount St. Francis Retreat Centre - Friday, April 22 to Sunday, April 24 After two years of cancellation, we are delighted to offer this Retreat. This year, The Right Rev. Derek Hoskin (Ret.) will be joining us to celebrate the Eucharist on April 24. For more information, contact John and Patti Sinclair or calling (403) 288-3294. |
Cursillo Revival Weekend: Where is Jesus Meeting Us?Friday, April 29 to Saturday, April 30 The Calgary Cursillo Movement is excited to host a Weekend of Revival - an opportunity to gather, to reflect and to re-learn the essential core values of Cursillo. This Weekend is open to all Cursillistas - lay people and clergy. Join us at the Entheos Retreat & Conference Centre, starting Friday, April 29 at 7:00 pm, and continuing to the afternoon of Saturday, April 30. Click here to register. For more information, please contact Stew Perram, or call (403) 246-5586. |
April Update
PWRDF has announced that it is now working with a new partner - "Initiative E+". Money given to it will be used for Ukrainian civilians injured in the war, as well as Ukrainian military personnel. Since February 24, at the beginning of the conflict, there has been an acute need for medical equipment and supplies to care for those who have been injured. This situation has gone up tenfold. The reality is, of those wounded, 75% are civilians. By Friday, April 1, PWRDF has now received nearly $400,000 for humanitarian relief and aid for our Ukrainian sisters and brothers. In March, $100,000 was given to ACT Alliance, in partnership with Hungarian Interchurch Aid. Another $50,000 was further given to HelpAge Canada which is responding to seniors fleeing Ukraine to a safe haven in Moldova. In addition, PWRDF is pleased to announce that it is giving $62,000 for medical supplies to Initiative E+ who will be providing care to those in the Kyiv region as well as in Eastern Ukraine. The money will be used for the following: - Medical equipment for those hospitals which are caring for many injured people - Medicine for people in Eastern Ukraine as well as in Kyiv and in the surrounding areas - Ukrainian first responders and military personnel who require PPE and medical supplies Please continue to pray and to engage in almsgiving for the Ukrainian people in the name of Christ. We are His hands and His feet to care for others. May you be blessed to be a blessing to those in need. |
Diocesan Refugee CommitteeVolunteers Needed The Diocesan Refugee Committee is looking for volunteers interested in assisting sponsors prepare for and carry out settlements of refugees. If you are interested in learning more about this ministry, please contact Erin. |
Mental Health Basic First Aid CourseFriday to Sunday, May 13 to 15 Mental Health First Aid (Basic) is intended for adults interacting with adults (18 years and older). This course focuses on the four most common mental health disorders including substance-related, mood-related, anxiety and trauma-related, and psychotic disorders. Participants who take this course are well prepared to interact confidently about mental health with their family, friends, communities, and workplaces. Tickets are $60. |
Festival of Biblical Telling 2022April 22 to 24, 2022 We invite you attend the Festival of Biblical Telling 2022 - an online event for individuals or groups. This is an interdenominational and international event, co-sponsored by LeaderShift. The Festival will be recorded so that once registered, you will have three months' access to anything you may have missed. For more information, keynote bios, and links to register, please click here. If you are wondering what Biblical storytelling is, please click here. Should you have any questions, email Susan Ida Boucaud. |
Sorrento Programs in 2022
Registration is now open for our Summer programs. Come for one week, or come for them all. You will find environmental and nature-based programs, as well as outdoor spirtuality and experiential spiritual teachings, including core Anglican, reconciliation and interfaith offerings. As always, you will have the opportunity to enrich your heart and soul through arts and craft-based playful creativity. Start planning here. We are hiring permanent staff. Details can be found here. |
We'd Like to Hear from You
We are interested in what is happening in your parish and would love to highlight those events and news in our newsfeed. We look forward to your contributions - feel free to forward your event announcements, your parish news, your stories. Send in your details and pictures to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca. |
Prayer Requests
Please remember in your prayers: - our clergy and churches; - those who are sick, suffering, fearful or in need, remembering those suffering from COVID-19 and their caregivers, those feeling isolated and those who are vulnerable; - for peace within our country, and in the world, remembering especially this week the country of Ukraine; - for Monica, Howard, Dana, Bob, Terry, Janet, Dawn, Fariborz, Mark, and Victoria; - those who have died and those who mourn; - the victims of violence and natural disasters; - our Indigenous brothers and sisters, especially remembering their hurt and grief at this time; - refugees, remembering those fleeing the Taliban regime, and those fleeing war in the Ukraine. Request a prayer: Send prayer requests to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca to let us know how we can pray for you. We will only use first names which will be removed after two or three weeks. We will also pray for you during our regular Chapel services each week. Please ensure that you have permission from those whose names you are submitting for prayer, and that they understand their name will be made public to all who subscribe to the Newsletter. |