Missional Minute
We are all called to be missional, to be labourers in the field and to share the Good News of Christ. The Great Commission reminds us that living out the love of Jesus is to bring others into the knowledge and grace of God. "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." When we are fully engaged in this work, it can be exhausting but Jesus said he would be with us always. Sometimes He can be with us by sending us other people to uplift and encourage us. We need other Christians to give us a sounding board, a listening ear, words to strengthen our walk and reminders of why we are ministering and walking in faith. And we are called to give this same support to others. One way to be encouraged is regularly scheduling time with fellow Christians in a safe, confidential group. Sometimes it's called a Home Group, Cell Group, Group Reunion, or men's/women's group. Taking the time to discuss your faith journey, your successes and failures in ministry, in bible study or prayertime, or planning intentional mission actions, can fortify your soul and mind for Christ's service. And not only are you uplifted, but you are present to encourage, listen and support the other members of the group for their ministry service. Consider joining or creating a group for your faith walk together, for the strength you need to "Go into all the world." |
Diocesan Announcements
Retirement: The Rev. Howard Thornton will be retiring as Incumbent of the two parishes of St. George-in-the-Pines, Banff and St. Michael, Canmore as of August 31. He has been priest to the Bow Valley Ministry since 2014, as well as serving the Diocese on Council. We ask God to be with him in his retirement and are thankful for his ministry. Thank you, Howard!
Parish Changes: Archbishop Greg is pleased to announce that, God willing,: - The Rev. Seth Enriquez will be stepping down as Assistant Priest to the Bow Valley Ministry as of August 31, and has been appointed as Incumbent of St. George-in-the-Pines, Banff as of September 1. - The Rev. Jagdutt Singh will be resigning as Interim Priest at St. Peter, Calgary as of August 31. The Rev. Bonnie Luft has been appointed as Incumbent of St. Peter, Calgary as of September 1. We ask for your prayers for these clergy as they transition to their new roles, and ask God to bless the parishes as they journey together.
Installations: Please mark these dates on your calendar and pray for these new Incumbents: - Thursday, September 14 at 6:00 pm - St. Peter, Calgary - The Rev. Bonnie Luft - Sunday, September 17 at 4:00 pm - St. Francis, Airdrie - The Rev. Daniel Joseph - Sunday, September 24 at 4:00 pm - St. Andrew, Calgary - The Rev. John Chuol |
Archbishop Greg's Activities and Events
August 20: Bishop's Visit to St. Mark, Innisfail August 24: Funeral for The Most Rev. Michael Peers, Toronto, ON August 27: Regional Service and Corn Roast at St. Ambrose, Redcliff August 29 to September 2: Study Leave Week September 3: Bishop's Visit to All Saints, Oyen September 10: Bishop's Visit to St. Benedict, High River |
Margie Newman is RetiringMusic Leader at Christ Church, Calgary After 53 years of service in the music ministry at Christ Church, Elbow Park - first as Assistant Organist, then as Director of Music - Margie Newman has announced her retirement, effective August 31, 2023. Margie has been a gift to the parish of Christ Church and to the wider Diocese with her ability to marry musical excellence with spiritual sensitivity, and a deep love the the church, its people and liturgical traditions. We celebrate her service and ask God to bless her as she enters her retirement. Well done, Margie! |
Death Notice
The Diocese Office is saddened to learn of the death of The Rev. Deacon Monica Smyth King, formerly of St. Barnabas, Three Hills. Monica served a teacher, a school principal, and a Licensed Lay Reader for many years before answering the call as a Vocational Deacon in 2008. Monica died in Trochu, AB on August 11, at the age of 101. We ask for prayers for her family. May she rest in peace and rise in glory. A Service of Remembrance will be held at the Trochu Arboretum (622 North Road) at 2:00 pm on Thursday, August 17, officiated by The Rev. Dr. James Enns. |
Blessing of the Animals ServiceSaturday, September 9 at 10:00 am |
Back to School Bash and Open HouseSunday, September 10, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm |
Fall 2023 Cursillo Weekends
Planning for the 2023 Fall Cursillo Weekends is well underway. Now is the time to consier sponsoring someone to attend for the first time. Is there someone you know who is moving forward in their Christian walk, that just needs a little nudge to fully take up a leadership role? Is there someone who already is a leader, who needs to experience what this Cursillo Weekend is all about? Attending Cursillo is a wonderful and special next step in their Christian walk! The Men's Weekend will be held Thursday, October 26 to Sunday, October 29. The Women's Weekend will be held Thursday, November 2 to Sunday, November 5. For more information, please contact Lay Director Al Stretton or Secretary Stew Perram. |
Healing & Wholeness WorkshopSaturday, September 30 |
Housing Crunch for University of Calgary Students
The housing crunch is impacting the youth of our communities and students in a terrible way. An article on this issue highlights how, for the second year in a row, the University of Calgary is facing full residences, with students scrambling to find alternatives. Some are finding themselves homeless and living in their cars. Of note, the article delves into the housing task force, that was rejected by city council and then re-evaluated after significant public pressure. We expect another vote on these recommendations on housing affordability to come to council in September.
VBS at FCJ Centre
Autumn Tea Party and Silent AuctionSunday, September 17 |
Prayer Requests
Please remember in your prayers: - for peace within our country, and in the world, for victims of violence and natural disasters, and for areas of unrest and riots. We ask for wise discernment in our leaders; - for those who are sick, suffering, isolated or in need. We ask for prayers for Barbara and Elizabeth, and Kathy; - for those who have died and those who mourn, remembering the family and friends of Rev. Deacon Monica King; - for the poor, the homeless, and the needy in our communities; - our Indigenous brothers and sisters, and their leaders in our diocese and country; - refugees, remembering those fleeing regimes around the world, and those fleeing war in the Ukraine. Request a prayer: Send prayer requests to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca to let us know how we can pray for you. We will only use first names which will be removed after two or three weeks. We will also pray for you during our regular Chapel services each week. Please ensure that you have permission from those whose names you are submitting for prayer, and that they understand their name will be made public to all who subscribe to the Newsletter. |
We'd Like to Hear from You
We are interested in what is happening in your parish and would love to highlight those events and news in our newsfeed. We look forward to your contributions - feel free to forward your event announcements, your parish news, your stories. Send in your details and pictures to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca. |