Missional Minute
Our Diocesan Synod was held on Friday, October 13 and Saturday, October 14. It was truly a Spirit-filled gathering: decisions were made, information was provided, presentations that inspired and motivated were delivered, and new names were added to the lists of those who will lead and represent this Diocese in the future. Our theme was Growing as Disciples of Jesus in a Post-Modern World, and in every presentation, we heard thought-provoking ideas of how we as Christians in the Diocese of Calgary can do just that - grow ourselves, grow our service within our parishes and grow in outreach to a world that is slowly turning back towards the Church. We were challenged in Archbishop Greg's address on Friday night to listen to the Spirit's voice and to be willing to trust in Christ to lead us. Dr. John Bowen of Wycliffe University offered seven signs of hope for the church, and encouraged us to come unto Jesus as disciples, and to be "yoked" with Him, as He leads us in ministry. We heard greetings from the ELCIC, the Moravian Church of Canada, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary, and our Companion Diocese of the Windward Islands. Each of these representatives reiterated support for our work together in our journeys of faith. Jacqui Durand, our Archdeacon for Indigenous Ministries, led a presentation, beginning with a smudging and prayers led by Diocesan Elder Eric Crow Shoe, and followed by the sharing of stories of Senator James Gladstone by his granddaughter and Bishop Sid Black by his daughter. These moving testimonies of faithful leadership inspired those present, and continued the important work of bridge building between our communities. At the close of Saturday, we heard from three diocesan groups offering missional hope for our parishes: Pilar Gateman, Archdeacon of Calgary and Executive Officer, spoke on the good work of the Missional Coaches, Jason Carroll, Ministry Developer and Elizabeth Short, Parish Health Facilitator, talked about their work assisting parish discernment, and Daniel Joseph in his role as our Diocesan Church Planter encouraged us in thinking about ways we can be welcoming within our communities. All in all, it was an inspirational time and one of affirming the vision of mission within our church. If you would like more information, please contact your parish representatives or our office. |
Keynote Address from Dr. John BowenDiocesan Synod's Friday Night Presentation We have received requests from attendees at this past weekend's Diocesan Synod for a copy of Friday's keynote address from Dr. John Bowen of Wycliffe University. Please click here to see the document. Our thanks to John for his inspiring words and delightful presence. |
Archbishop Greg's Activities and Events
October 20 to 22: Ordinal Revision Taskforce, Niagara Falls, ON October 21: Seating of The Rt. Rev. William Cliff as Bishop of Ontario, Kingston, ON October 22 & 23: Metropolitans & Lutheran Bishops Meeting, Niagara Falls, ON October 23 to 27: National House of Bishops, Toronto, ON October 28: Funeral for The Rev. Deacon Larry Nicolay, Holy Cross, Calgary October 29: Bishop's Visit to All Saints, Medicine Hat October 31: Diocesan Council meeting |
The Rev. Deacon Larry Nicolay
The Memorial Service for The Rev. Deacon Larry Nicolay will take place on Saturday, October 28 at 11:00 am at Holy Cross Anglican Church, Calgary, with Archbishop Greg presiding. It will also be livestreamed on Holy Cross’s YouTube channel. |
Foundations for Preaching CourseBeginning November 6 The Calgary School of Discipleship will be offering our Foundations for Preaching course in November and December. The course will run on four Monday evenings (November 6, 13, and 27 & December 11) beginning at 6:30pm via Zoom, and will be led by The Rev. Br. Jason Carroll, The Ven. Dr. Pilar Gateman and Rev. Steve Bateman from St. Augustine, Lethbridge. There will be a cost of $75; help is available if the cost is a problem. This course is available to those seeking Licensing for Lay Ministry as well as anyone who is interested. This course will provide students with the theological grounding of preaching in Scripture and prayer, education on how to craft and write a good sermon, instruction on good delivery and mechanics of public speaking, and opportunity to discuss the nature and specific challenges of preaching in a modern context. Students will be able to make connections between Scripture and the journey of faith, understand the importance and purpose of preaching in the life of the Christian church and the world, and distinguish appropriately between the office of preaching and the opportunity to express publicly their own private opinion, while being able to incorporate stories from their personal journey of faith in an appropriate manner. For more information or to register, please click here. |
Clergy DayTuesday, November 2 Our next Diocese of Calgary Clergy Day will be held on Tuesday, November 2 at Holy Cross, Calgary. We will gather at 9:30 and begin at 10:00 am. We are pleased to announce that Michael Harvey, of Back to Church Sunday, and Unlocking the Growth movements, will be speaking to us on the ACORN project. Please RSVP to Dianne. |
Refugee MomentArrival of a Refugee Family in Need of...everything! The Diocese has learned of a refugee family arriving this week, who are in need of almost everything. Their first need is a place to rent, preferably in the NW, (at least a three-bedroom unit) for a husband, wife and seven children. The boys' ages are 20 and 18, and the girls' ages are 16. 14, 10, 8 and 5. What else do they need? They will need a lot: school backpacks, shoes, clothes, beds, mattresses or bunk beds. or anything for use in the kitchen and a TV. Anything will be helpful. If there are any questions, please let The Rev. John Chuol know. For more information, please call 403-690-1527. Thank you! |
Happenings at All Saints, Cochrane
Monthly Prayer Services for Healing: all are welcome to attend. Next Service will be on Saturday, November 11 at 5:00 pm at the church. Wanted: to borrow, a red server's cassock, size adult small (although a larger one could be temporarily altered). Please contact Rev. Elizabeth at (403) 660-5636 if you have one. |
Perogi Dinner - Saturday, October 21
Happenings at the Cathedral
LEARN TO LOVE - How do we love our neighbours literally on our doorstep? Your Cathedral invites you to receive frontline training on how to care for the houseless, free-of-charge, every Sunday morning from experienced, professional workers. Inquire with our volunteer coordinator, Wendy, for more information. TRANSGENDERISM AND FAITH - The Cathedral is providing TWO upcoming opportunities to learn and grow in our awareness and support of the transgender community. The first is a Zoom educational event featuring Dr. Eileen Scully, Director, Faith, Worship & Ministry for the national church where Dean Chris Dowdeswell and Rev Derwyn Costinak will interview her on the new "Pastoral Liturgies for Journeys of Gender Affirmation and Transition" passed at this summer's General Synod. This event will take place on Sunday, November 5 from 4-6pm. Register here and the link will be sent to you shortly before the event. The second is the Cathedral's annual service of prayer for the Transgender Day of Remembrance. This will take place on Saturday November 18 at 7pm. This service will not be livestreamed, but all transgender people and their allies are encouraged to join us in person. For more information on transgenderism and suicide, see the Mental Health Commission of Canada's fact sheet. JOB POSTING: The Cathedral is seeking a Sunday School Teacher/Coordinator. For information, please click here. |
Live PerformanceVulcan Legion Hall - October 26 & 27 |
Fall 2023 Cursillo Weekends
Planning for the 2023 Fall Cursillo Weekends is well underway. Now is the time to consider sponsoring someone to attend for the first time. Is there someone you know who is moving forward in their Christian walk, that just needs a little nudge to fully take up a leadership role? Is there someone who already is a leader, who needs to experience what this Cursillo Weekend is all about? Attending Cursillo is a wonderful and special next step in their Christian walk! The Men's Weekend will be held Thursday, October 26 to Sunday, October 29. The Women's Weekend will be held Thursday, November 2 to Sunday, November 5. For more information, please contact Lay Director Al Stretton or Secretary Stew Perram |
Crafting Group for Community BuildingSt. Martin, Calgary |
Annual Fall Fair - Saturday, October 28
Michael Harvey coming to our DioceseSunday, October 29 to Saturday, November 4. Michael Harvey, of Unlocking the Growth fame and the Back to Church Movement, will be in the Diocese of Calgary from Sunday, October 29 to Saturday, November 4. There are still available days for him to visit individual or multiple parishes, to speak with parish leaders. To reserve a day or evening with Michael, please contact Rev. Carol at the Diocese Office. Michael is a dynamic speaker with enthusiasm and humor, and provides exciting ideas for church growth. An opportunity to hear and work with him is truly a blessing. Each of these workshops is open to everyone; anyone desiring to gain confidence in reaching out to others in faith and invitation is invited to attend. |
Auction - November 3Good Shepherd, Calgary |
Upcoming Christmas Fundraiser Events
St. Martin, Calgary: Christmas Market, Saturday, November 18. We are requesting vendors to register for the event at this time. We are also in need of volunteers to make this day a success. Register or volunteer by contacting Emma. Holy Cross, Calgary: Candy Cane Tea & Bazaar, Saturday, November 25: from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Baking and Deli table, a Craft table with sewing, quilting and knitting, a Treasures table, and books will be available. There is no entry fee, but in the Glad Tidings Tea Room, coffee and lunch are served. All Saints, Medicine Hat: Annual Christmas Tea & Bake Sale: Saturday, December 9: Admission is $7.00 per person, at the All Saints Community Hall. |
ACW News
The Diocese Office has been notified that the Anglican Church of Canada calendars, sold through our Anglican Church Women, are still not available. The supplier has not been provided with all the information they need to produce the calendars. As a result, the order has not gone in yet, and the cost is yet to be determined. Although the Anglican Journal reported that the calendars are available, this is not correct. We ask for patience while this issue is sorted out. |
Foundations for Community OrganizingOctober 21 & 22, 2023 |
Religious Leaders BrunchTuesday, November 14 Join us for quality conversation and community building at this November's Religous Leaders Brunch! This event is for people who take leadership in their faith/religous/philosophical communities (religous leaders, elders, youth leaders, community representatives, pastoral care specialists and chaplains), who are also interested in getting to know other leaders from different religious communities in Calgary. This will be an opportunity to come together, to reflect on our community leadership, share our stories, listen and learn from each other. Ultimately, the hope is that we can grow into better public leaders who can then work together for the Common good of our common home. Interested but have questions? Email Elyse here. Cost: due to different dietary considerations, attendees will purchase their own food/drink at this venue. Angel's Cafe has lots of menu options, including vegetarian and gluten-free choices. |
Wycliffe College Fall 2023 Scripture and Theology Colloquium
Restore 2023 - Viritual ConferenceOctober 28, 2023 This virtual conference will be looking at an understanding of God gleaned from Scripture which shapes our call as Christians - the work of God in restoring humanity taken up by the church. During the one-day conference, we will be covering such things as the solicitude of God and how this is to be taken up in our own lives, the wonder of creation and how to live well within the created order, and the practice of presence with God and with people. Scripture will serve as a foundation out of which these themes are gleaned.For more information or to register, click here. |
Prayer Requests
Please remember in your prayers: - for peace within our country, and in the world, for victims of violence and natural disasters, and for areas of unrest and riots. We ask for wise discernment in our leaders; - for Israel and Palestine, and for Ukraine and Russia - for the end to war; - for those who are sick, suffering, isolated or in need. We ask for prayers for Barbara and Elizabeth, Janice, and Joan; - for those who have died and those who mourn, remembering at this time the Nicolay family; - for the poor, the homeless, and the needy in our communities; - our Indigenous brothers and sisters, and their leaders in our diocese and country; - refugees, remembering those fleeing regimes around the world. Request a prayer: Send prayer requests to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca to let us know how we can pray for you. We will only use first names which will be removed after two or three weeks. We will also pray for you during our regular Chapel services each week. Please ensure that you have permission from those whose names you are submitting for prayer, and that they understand their name will be made public to all who subscribe to the Newsletter. |
We'd Like to Hear from You
We are interested in what is happening in your parish and would love to highlight those events and news in our newsfeed. We look forward to your contributions - feel free to forward your event announcements, your parish news, your stories. Send in your details and pictures to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca. |