Missional Minute
All over our Diocese, folks are stepping out in faith to be missional. Training is happening, from resources such as the variety of offerings from our Missional Coaches along with our Ministry Development Team's work at the parish level. Courses to enable lay folk to become engaged with their parishes are being offered through the Calgary School of Discipleship. Visions of Church Planting are being explored. The Diocese also has funds available through the Mission Funding Board, that is eager to give grants to "mission experiments" for parishes who have a dream but need some seed money for their project. We have had parishes already taking advantage of these funds: Messy Church at Christ Church, Calgary, the After Church Meal Program at St. Andrew, Gleichen, and the University of Calgary Lunch & Lounge Program (mentioned in an article below). We celebrate these initiatives, and those that are reaching out to their communities independently. One such outreach initiative at St. Michael, Canmore, begun by The Rev. Sean Krausert in 2013, has now served something over 105,000 meals to those living rough, the lonely and those alone, to minimum wage service workers, and now weekly to a host of young families. Earlier this week, 333 meals were served. What began as a parish idea has grown into a community project where local organizations take on the volunteer commitment and create change in many lives. Dream big. Allow our Diocesan resources to assist, either in coaching, training, support or funding. Then tell us your story so we can share it. |
Diocesan Announcements
Collation of Archdeacon: Archbishop Greg is pleased to announce that, God willing, he will collate The Ven. Brian Vickers as Archdeacon of Bow Valley at an Evensong Service of Collation at the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer on Tuesday, December 12, at 7:00 pm. Please pray for Ven. Brian as he prepares for his new ministry. Color for this Service will be Red.
St. Mark & St. Philip, Calgary: There will NOT be a service in our church on December 17, as the parishioners will join a Service of Christmas Lessons & Carols at St. Augustine, Calgary on that Sunday, beginning at 10:00 am.
Induction: On Tuesday, December 19, Archbishop Greg will, God willing, preside at a Service of Induction for The Rev. Eyad Ajji. Plans for location and time are still being decided; please mark your calendars and pray as St. Mark and St. Philip, Calgary and their new Incumbent embark on this faith journey together. |
Archbishop Greg's Activities and Events
November 15 to 19: Holidays November 20 to 23: Clergy Retreat, Sanctum Retreat Centre November 24 & 25: Diocese of Brandon, Electoral Synod November 26: Bishop's Visit, St. Barnabas, Medicine Hat November 28: Admin and Finance Meeting, Diocese Office November 30: Anglican Fellowship of Prayer Meeting November 30: Service and Supper at St. Andrew, Gleichen December 1 & 2: Diocesan Council Retreat, Holy Cross, Calgary December 3: Confirmation Service, St. James, Calgary December 4 to 7: Western Arctic Visit Please hold Archbishop Greg in your prayers as he serves as our Bishop and Metropolitan, as well as finding time to relax and refresh. |
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Happenings at the Cathedral
LEARN TO LOVE - How do we love our neighbours literally on our doorstep? Your Cathedral invites you to receive frontline training on how to care for the houseless, free-of-charge, every Sunday morning from experienced, professional workers. Inquire with our volunteer coordinator, Wendy, for more information. TRANSGENDER PERSONS AND FAITH - The Cathedral's annual service of prayer for the Transgender Day of Remembrance will take place on Saturday November 18 at 7:00 pm. This service will not be livestreamed, but all transgender people and their allies are encouraged to join us in person. For more information on transgenderism and suicide, see the Mental Health Commission of Canada's fact sheet. JOB POSTING: The Cathedral is seeking a Sunday School Teacher/Coordinator. For information, please click here. |
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Diocesan Youth PartyFriday, November 17 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm For more information, please contact James Lawton at St. James. |
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Advent RetreatSt. Barnabas, Medicine Hat - Saturday, November 25 |
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A Harp Angel ChristmasSt. Barnabas, Calgary - Sunday, November 26 |
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Upcoming Christmas Fundraisers and Events
St. Martin, Calgary: Christmas Market, Saturday, November 18: There will be live music, vendors, kid's crafts and holiday photoshoot opportunities. Tickets are $5.00, with proceeds going to their outreach programs. To RSVP, click here. St, Luke, Red Deer: Christmas Tea and Talent Sale, Saturday, November 25: from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in their Church Hall. Our talent sale will include crafts, baking and a white elephant table. The tea includes a light luncheon. Cost is a free will donation. Holy Cross, Calgary: Candy Cane Tea & Bazaar, Saturday, November 25: from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Baking and Deli table, a Craft table with sewing, quilting and knitting, a Treasures table, and books will be available. There is no entry fee, but in the Glad Tidings Tea Room, coffee and lunch are served. All Saints, Medicine Hat: Annual Christmas Tea & Bake Sale: Saturday, December 9: Admission is $7.00 per person, at the All Saints Community Hall.
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ACW Zoom Lessons & CarolsSunday, December 3 |
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St. Edmund's Foodbank Outreach AssociationSaturday, November 18 - 10:00 am to 2:00 pm This year, being held at the Bowness Scout and Lions Hall, 8551 Bowness Road NW |
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U of C Lunch & Lounge Program Needs Volunteers
Food security has become a major symptom of the economic challenges facing all communities and the students on all campuses across Canada are no exception. The Anglican chaplaincy, under the leadership of The Rev Dr Carmen Maier at the University of Calgary’s Faith and Spirituality Centre, continues to address this problem by cooking a nutritious meal and feeding the students in a Lunch & Lounge program every Monday. With the joint support of the University of Calgary and the Anglican Diocese of Calgary, our team of three (Carmen Maier, Pat Herrel and Marcus Herrel) has the great pleasure of cooking and serving these nutritious and delicious meals for 50-60 students. We are looking to develop more teams for the ministry and to possibly expand the program. If you are interested in participating, please contact either Rev Deacon Marcus or Rev Carmen. |
List of Warming Centres
As winter approaches, we are concerned about those who are having difficulty finding affordable housing or living on the street. Please find attached a list of places where shelter can be offered and warming can take place. For more infomation visit: https://www.calgary.anglican.ca/news/warming-centres-resources
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Giving Week Event in support of PWRDF
It’s that time of year again when PWRDF partners with Villages Calgary. Villages Calgary is located at 220 Crowchild Trail NW in Calgary. This event will take place November 26 to December 2. That’s right – a week! Ten percent of your purchase will be donated to PWRDF. Just make sure to mention PWRDF. There’s no excuse not to shop, as you can also shop online. The information for this is on the attached poster. This is a great opportunity to shop and support the work of the PWRDF.
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Two Events
"Sacred Embodiment: Bodies as Birthright and Spiritual Practice": The Wisdom Centre is pleased to host Canadian psychologist Hillary L. McBride for her Lecture at Christ Church, Calgary on Friday, December 1 at 7:00 pm. Register here. Critical Indigenous Theory and the Study of Religion: Dr. Paul L. Gareau (University of Alberta) will give this 2023 Chair of Christian Thought Bentall Lecture on Education and Theology on Saturday, December 9, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm at the Patricia A. Whelan Perfomance Hall, Calgary Central Library. This event is free but you must register to reserve a seat. |
Inspiration UnpluggedSt. Mary University Catholic Lecture Series November 23: The Filthy Feet of Sacred Service with Troy Davies What happens when prayer gets off its knees? Anchored in a reflection on John 13:1-20 (the Washing of the Disciples’ Feet), Dr. Troy Davies will take us on a tour of the ‘soul of service’ using examples drawn from the awe-inspiring work of Alberta’s own Catholic Social Services – one of the largest multi-function social service agencies in the country! Everyone is invited to attend this dynamic lecture, which will feature a mixture of real on-the-ground stories, while also drawing upon the tenets of Catholic Social Teaching and the theology of outreach – engaging the head and the heart of all who attend. McGivney Hall, StMU Campus, 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Register here. |
Prayer Requests
Please remember in your prayers: - for peace within our country, and in the world, for victims of violence and natural disasters, and for areas of unrest and riots. We ask for wise discernment in our leaders; - for Israel and Palestine, and for Ukraine and Russia - for the end to war; - for those who are sick, suffering, isolated or in need. We ask for prayers for Barbara and Elizabeth, Janice, and Joan; - for those who have died and those who mourn; - for the poor, the homeless, and the needy in our communities; - our Indigenous brothers and sisters, and their leaders in our diocese and country; - refugees, remembering those fleeing regimes around the world. Request a prayer: Send prayer requests to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca to let us know how we can pray for you. We will only use first names which will be removed after two or three weeks. We will also pray for you during our regular Chapel services each week. Please ensure that you have permission from those whose names you are submitting for prayer, and that they understand their name will be made public to all who subscribe to the Newsletter. |
We'd Like to Hear from You
We are interested in what is happening in your parish and would love to highlight those events and news in our newsfeed. We look forward to your contributions - feel free to forward your event announcements, your parish news, your stories. Send in your details and pictures to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca. |