A Missional MinuteVen. Dr. Pilar Gateman How does knowing our story help us to be Missional? How many of us are afraid of the word ‘mission’ or ‘evangelism.' Rightly so, as we’ve had challenging experiences or frustrating associations with some interpretations of those words. But what if we could be missional by knowing our faith story? If we spent some time reflecting on our own life and how God has acted, interacted or intervened, we would have a better sense of how we have been formed spiritually. Another benefit is seeing the kinds of patterns God has used to get our attention. Or how God has guided our discernment at different times. In the end, reflecting on our spiritual autobiography can allow us to consider how we have been transformed by our faith. How might that be missional? When we are listening intently to others, we may find times where our story intersects with theirs. Opportunities that present themselves allow us to “always be ready to given an answer for the hope you have.” (1Peter 3:15). We all know that a forceful answer or list of suggestions on how to be a better person does not endear us to others, nor does it attract them to Jesus. However, when we are in relationship with others, they share their lives, frustrations and joys with us. These conversations can provide a wonderful entrance for us to share the reason for our hope – and gently invite them into the transformation we have experienced. |
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Archbishop Greg's Reflections on Advent 2December 9, 2020 Archbishop Greg reflects upon Advent 2 in the light of the pandemic. For more infomation visit: http://calgary.anglican.ca/news/archbishop-gregs-reflections-on-advent-2
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Diocesan Day of Fasting and PrayerFriday, December 18 Every one of us is undergoing some form of stress or anxiety, whether Covid-related or just worries about family and/or friends. There are health issues, job issues, feeling isolated, feeling fear, feeling sad or lonely, just to name a few. And we know our clergy and lay leaders are dealing with a great deal, as they are overwhelmed in this busy season trying to maintain the traditions of the Advent season yet protecting the vulnerable. What if…we were to spend a day or part of a day, in prayer, in honest, heartfelt communication with our Lord, in looking into His word, in meditating upon Him and slowing down to listen to Him. We ask that on Friday, December 18, the people of the Diocese of Calgary take time to fast and pray – an hour or many hours; alone, with a spouse or family, via Zoom or whatever means that inspires you. We pray: for protection from this Virus; for healing of those affected; for hope and provision for those impacted; for comfort for those mourning; for the safe and effective delivery of the vaccine; for the health services and leaders. We pray for the mission of our Church in these strange times. And we pray for each other. Archbishop Greg has set up a Zoom link for prayer from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and will have AFP members standing by to pray in breakoff rooms for those who wish to pray with someone. Please request the link here. Plan ahead, clear your calendar, and give one day, or a portion thereof, to the Lord, together, to raise our supplications and to let Him nurture and heal us. |
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Experiences in the Wilderness Pt. IIThe Power of Hope - Saturday, December 12, 2020 We all know that Christmas this year will be a lot quieter, with a lot less laughter and song. For many, Advent will be a time of anxiety, hardship and grief, not happy anticipation. Yet the liturgical year moves us along our Christian journey, and calls our hearts to hope. What does Christian hope mean at the end of this challenging, sombre year? Why is it important for us Christians to persevere in hope? Join our Rural Missioner, the Rev. Clara King as we explore the three great Canticles of the Christmas story, the Song of Mary (the Magnificat), the Song of Zechariah (the Benedictus), and the Song of Simeon (the Nunc Dimittis), and learn to listen anew for what God is doing in our hearts, even in the midst of a global pandemic. Email blabrecque@calgary.anglican.ca to register For more infomation visit: http://calgary.anglican.ca/events/experiences-in-the-wilderness-pt-11/2020-12-12
Diocesan Announcements
Our Archbishop's services and events: Archbishop Greg is available to participate via Zoom in your parish vestry, council, and online services if requested. Even though he may not be able to gather in person with you, he welcomes the opportunity to share in worship or to meet groups of any and all ages, to listen to your stories and faith, and to engage in conversation about our experiences and learnings from this journey through the COVID-19 pandemic. Contact Carol Tubman to schedule.
Regional Dean of High River: Archbishop Greg has appointed The Rev. Sean Devlin of St. Benedict, High River as the new Regional Dean of High River. Please pray for Sean as he begins this new ministry. |
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Job PostingComptroller for the Anglican Diocese of Calgary The Anglican Diocese of Calgary Office is seeking a Comptroller. Preference will be given to those with material experience with charities and a CMA designation. This position is part-time (.6 - .75). Knowledge and/or experience within the Anglican tradition is an asset. If you are interested or know of anyone who would be a suitable candidate, please contact pgateman@calgary.anglican.ca Deadline to apply is December 16, 2020. Please supply a Resume and Cover Letter. |
Financial Statements Update
The Diocese Office has received questions regarding the Diocesan Financial Statements for 2019. These Statements are in the process of being prepared, and will be made available when they are ready. |
Diocesan Committee Meetings
All Diocesan essential meetings have moved to an online format.
For more infomation visit:
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National Advent Service of Lessons & CarolsFriday, December 18 Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.—Isaiah 7:14 Join Anglicans across the country for this first-ever national Advent Lessons and Carols service, to be broadcast live online. View the event at anglican.ca, on Facebook or YouTube. The service of Lessons and Carols is one of the most widely-anticipated and well-known events during Advent. A number of our physical worship spaces have been temporarily closed due to public health protocols related to the pandemic. Anticipating this reality, General Synod has worked with Anglican cathedrals across Canada (including our own Cathedral Church of the Redeemer in the live version) to offer a special, national service of Lessons and Carols this Advent season, which will help us all prepare for the coming of the Kingdom of God. |
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PWRDF Advent Resources
PWRDF is announcing resources for Advent - including a children's resource, reflections from staff and volunteers, and Christmas Cards available for purchase. Click here to find out more. There are also gifts available for purchase at this link. Archbishop Greg encourages folks to remember the ministry of the PWRDF this Advent and Christmas season. As parish PWRDF reps are unable at this time of suspension of services to encourage and inform fellow parishioners, he asks that we consider support for this ministry by way of donation and prayer. |
A Monthly Rosary - via ZoomSecond Saturday of each month at 2:00 pm The Rev. Jerrod McCormack will be offering a monthly rosary via Zoom, on the second Saturday of each month at 2:00 pm. These services usually run for 30 minutes. Time is taken to share intentions with one another and then to pray the rosary together. If you are interested you can contact Jerrod, and he will send you the link. |
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The 2021 Canadian Church CalendarVolume discount The 2021 Canadian Church Calendar is available to order. $5.00 each for orders up to 24 copies. $3.75 for orders 25+ copies. For more infomation visit: http://calgary.anglican.ca/news/the-2021-canadian-church-calendar
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Diocese of Jerusalem Christmas AppealThe Princess Basma Centre On the Mount of Olives, the light of Gospel-love radiates from a centre dedicated to children living with various disabilities and cognitive challenges (Christian, Muslim and Jewish) called the Princess Basma Centre. It is a ministry of the Arab Anglican Church in Jerusalem – the work of our brothers and sisters in Christ. It can be profound, at the end of a long pilgrimage visiting excavations, churches and sharing liturgies on hilltops, to see, before one leaves for home, the vivid life of the “living stones” in the land today. Pilgrims, after visiting the Princess Basma Centre, will wipe away tears saying they were “broadsided” by the magnificence of this ministry, having not really thought about the living church until then. They came to the land to see where Jesus once walked. They saw where He walks today. A significant American agency and long supporter of the Princess Basma Centre has recently withdrawn its funding for what appears to be political interests and favouritisms. In response, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem has made a Christmas Appeal, across the Anglican Communion, for support to retain this ministry for the children of Jerusalem. Yes, it is hoped that a new American Administration might view this unique outreach with the compassion it has known, in a land where everyone ought to matter, every child of God stamped with the love of God. At the invitation of Archbishop Greg Kerr-Wilson and other Bishops of our Church, this need is being placed into your thoughts, that you might consider a gift. Individuals or parishes are welcome to forward a cheque to Canadian Compass Rose Society tagged "JPBC” and mail to: Robert Saffrey, Treasurer, Canadian Compass Rose Society, 135 Adelaide Street East. Toronto, ON M5C 1L8 For more information on the Princess Basma Centre, please click here. |
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Kuriakos Camp InformationSummer 2021 Even in the bleak mid-winter, we can believe in the life-changing power of camp, and it's needed now more than ever. Programs will proceed when we are confident that we can provide them safely, but we're planning for a great summer. To find next summer's programs and to register online, click here. |
Prayer Requests
Please remember in your prayers: - our clergy and churches as we find our way forward in these strange days; - those who are sick, suffering, fearful or in need, remembering those suffering from the Coronavirus and their caregivers, those feeling isolated and those who are vulnerable; - for Michelle, Myrna, Kim, Paige, and Monica; - for Rev. Tim Webster - thanksgiving for containment of cancer and prayers for a surgery date soon; - those who have died and those who mourn; - the victims of violence and natural disasters; - our Companion Diocese of the Windward Islands, and their Bishop Leopold Friday. Request a prayer: Send prayer requests to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca to let us know how we can pray for you. We will only use first names which will be removed after two or three weeks. We will also pray for you during our regular Chapel services each week. Please ensure that you have permission from those whose names you are submitting for prayer, and that they understand their name will be made public to all who subscribe to the Newsletter. |
We'd Like to Hear from You
We are interested in what is happening in your parish and would love to highlight those events and news in our newsfeed. We look forward to your contributions - feel free to forward your event announcements, your parish news, your stories. Send in your details and pictures to ctubman@calgary.anglican.ca. |