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The 2025 Annual Meeting of Parishioners will be held on Sunday, February 23, 2025, following the regular Sunday worship service. The meeting is estimated to begin at approximately 3:45 pm.

All baptized persons regularly attending Services of worship in this Parish, or otherwise regularly receiving the administrations of the clergy of this Parish are entitled to attend.

Individuals attending will be asked to confirm that they have not voted in an Annual Meeting of Parishioners of any other parish this year.

A "convening circular" containing the various reports, financial statements and proposed 2025 budget has been emailed to parishioners with known email addresses, and will be available in print form during Sunday worship on February 9 and 16, or may be requested by emailing

This year we face the question as to whether our participation in the coming kingdom of God can be better served by continuing to gather in a distinctly Anglican tradition, or by bringing that era to a close, supporting other groups with the resources we have left, and each joining in with other gatherings to lend our unique individual giftings to their mission to this community. The convening circular includes a notice of motion to that effect.

Please pay particular and prayerful attention to the notice of motion and the various considerations for the distribution of remaining assets, so that our deliberations may be fruitful and Spirit led.

If you are eligible to attend the meeting, but unable to do so in person, and would like to participate by phone, please email to obtain phone in instructions.