The search for a spiritual home is an important quest. It's the search for a community of Christian Faith that "feels right" and "fits." It's a place where we feel "we belong" and the Christian gospel is presented in a way that inspires our lives, deepens our faith, challenges our thoughts and speaks to the longings of our hearts. It is a place with a worship pattern that feels 'familiar' but also refreshing. It's a place where the lives of the young, children, teens and young adults are nurtured in a meaningful caring way. You could say it's a matter of taste. At a deeper level it's about the soul's journey towards God. In other words, choosing a spiritual home is a very important decision.
St. Peter's does not claim to be the 'right' place for everyone, rather it is one of the ways by which people can "taste and see that the Lord is good."
T2V 0S7
The Rev. Bonnie Luft, Incumbent
The Rev. Rob Petkau, Associate Priest
The Rev. Rosemary Bishop, Deacon
Friday Evenings
7:00 pm Church@7: a contempo-casual Word & Worship Service
10:00 am Holy Communion
10:00 am Holy Communion (BCP)
5:00 pm Evening Prayer
Friday mornings
8:30 am Morning Prayer