Our priests are talented!
Here is an original song composed and sung by The Rev. Doug Rawling, the incumbent at St. Aidan & St. Chad, Cowley and St. John the Evangelist, Pincher Creek.
Rev. Doug wrote this song a few years back when his Dad was dying from cancer. For Rev. Doug's birthday this year, his daughter Shelly arranged for him to make this music video, and she wanted it for this song.
Here are the lyrics:
There is a window in my basement
And it lets in a little sun
All there is there to remind you
When a new day has begun
It would be easy if you wanted
To just believe in concrete walls
To cover up that ray of sunlight
And deny that morning calls
But if you think there's no forever
Look at the stars up in the sky
All that distance in-between us
Still don't stop'em when they shine
But if you're gonna love somebody
There is a price you have to pay
'Cause it's so far across that river
And the river's not so far away
And sometimes Friday seems forever
And Easter morning's like a dream
That we struggle to hold on to
Somewhere on the edge of sleep
But have you ever seen the morning
Lying golden on the ground
So full of joy and new beginnings
In every sight and every sound
So come on ring those bells of freedom
Ring'em loud and ring'em long
'Cause the darkest night can't hold you
From the Saviour's loving arms
And Jesus rose on Sunday mornin'
And His life's wrapped up in mine
So when there's nothing left inside me
Just gives Him more room to shine
There is a window in my basement
And it lets in a little sun
All there is there to remind you
That a new day has begun