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John 13:34-35

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you

In a time when many are becoming concerned regarding the recent outbreak of the COVID19 virus we want to remember to care for those who are concerned and those who may have compromised immune systems.

To that end, we remind parishioners of a few things around communion and passing of the peace.

Communion by Intinction (dipping the wafer in the wine) was disallowed a number of years ago during the H1N1 flu epidemic. It continues to be disallowed.

We believe, as Anglicans, that when we 'receive in part, we receive in whole'. Therefore you can take the wafer and not drink the wine and still know you have taken part fully in the sacrament.

If someone is uncomfortable receiving communion at all, they may still receive a blessing by coming to the altar rail with hands crossed, indicating that desire.

In terms of passing the peace - we recommend that those who are uncomfortable simply indicate to their brothers and sisters by nodding or crossing their arms - or whatever feels comfortable and that others acknowledge them in kind.

We also recommend that we all follow the advisement of health officials who are recommending regular and prolonged handwashing. (Singing or saying the doxology is a good "handwashing timer.")

[Video message below]