[Video below]
There's an old saying “You are what you eat”.
In some traditions of the Christian church, this past Sunday commemorated “The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ”, also known as “Corpus Christi”.
In this time of the COVID pandemic, we have not had access to the consecrated sacraments of the Eucharist table.
But I do believe that as a result of the prayerful yearning of our hearts for God’s grace, and through the surrender and transformation of our lives, that God feeds us in ways that we cannot see or understand and continues that process to receive the body of Christ that nourishes our souls.
I pray that in the ongoing disrupted times in which we live, our hearts will continue to be open, to be receiving the body of Christ, and to feed on him in our hearts by faith, as the old wisdom says from our prayer book; that we will indeed become what we eat.