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Making faithful disciples for Jesus Christ.

St. James Church is a community of people who are finding the reality of God in our lives. We see ourselves as regular, ordinary people, who have been attracted to the extraordinary personality and teaching of Jesus Christ. Our experience of him makes us eager to live out and share our faith. We want to learn to see all of life through the lens of Jesus's personality and teaching, and to enable others to join us in the journey.

We are part of the worldwide Anglican Church, although many of us come from a variety of Christian backgrounds or none. We place a very high value on the inspiration of the Bible to help us know what is true, and the power of God's Spirit, to heal and strengthen us to serve God in his world. At each of our Sunday morning worship services we gather around the Lord's table to worship, to sing, to learn, and to encourage one another. The services are informed by the Anglican tradition, though they range in atmosphere from formal to less formal.

6351 Ranchview Dr NW

Calgary, AB

T3G 1B5

phone 403-239-0104 Fax 403-239-0674
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The Rev. Dr. Dane Neufeld, Incumbent
The Rev. Dr. Carmen Maier, Associate Priest
The Rev. David Ginther, Deacon
The Ven. Richard Lemmon, Honorary Assistant

Service Times

8:00 am Holy Communion (traditional using BCP)
10:00 am Holy Communion (contemporary)
7:00 pm Vespers

