It is no wonder that Jesus sent the disciples two by two when going about their ministries. Many times we find that there are places, movements in our spirit or times of decision, distress or loneliness where we long for a soul companion. This is where a Spiritual director may be very helpful. Many find them helpful on a regular basis also! 

Here is a description of spiritual direction from some well-known travellers: 

" a relationship initiated by a spiritual seeker who finds a mature person of faith willing to pray and respond with wisdom and understanding to his or her questions about how to live spiritually in a world of ambiguity and distraction".  Henri Nouwen. 

“What exactly do spiritual directors do? The simple and most direct answer I can give is that they help others attend to God’s presence and revelation and prepare to respond to him. In other words, they help people attune themselves to God.”          David Benner, Sacred Companions     

Here are some websites where you can find a Spiritual Director: 

FCJ Centre    (Located in Calgary. These directors are mostly in person) 


Grafted Life Ministries

Grafted Life Ministries | Home


Tyndale University 

(This list of directors includes people from all over Canada and even internationally. There is a mixture of in person online. Directors from here have certification that allows for their fees to be used on our healthcare plan.) 


Anam Cara Ministries (This group is located in Colorado, but they provide online direction) 

Anam Cara Directors


Emmaus Centre    (This group has a very good training/formation for their directors. They are based in Ontario but provide online sessions.)  


Providence Centre (This is located physically in Edmonton, but some directors will do online) 


Martha Retreat Centre (Located in Lethbridge) 


St Francis Retreat Centre  (This retreat centre asks that you phone in the find a director) 

St Francis


Spiritual Directors International  (This group has a wide variety of Spiritual Directors from a variety of denominations and faiths. Their website also provides a variety of workshops and ways to explore faith.) 


Within our own Diocese:

Rev. Dr. Pilar Gateman email
Pilar is a Certified Spiritual Director and Certified guide of the Ignatian Exercises. She trained as a Spiritual Director at Tyndale, and her Ignatian guidance with Sustainable Faith. Her doctorate is in Spiritual Formation. She is currently receiving new directees. You can reach her by email or by visiting her website here: Finding the Way
Mrs. Carol Hayes:  email
Carol is a Certified Spiritual Director with training from the FCJ Centre, having graduated in June 2011.
She is currently practicing and accepting new directees, either in-person or online.  Please email to arrange for an introductory phone conversation.
Mrs. Margo Stretch: email
Margo is a Certified Spiritual Director with training through The Studion School for Spiritual Direction, having graduated in 2020.  She is currently practicing one on one direction, and has space for new directees.  Reach out by phone or text to arrange for an initial 1 hour informal conversation to help discern a good fit.


There are others who work independantly and are not listed on these sites. You will want to ask a few questions as this is not a "regulated" type of work. If you know of a spiritual director that is not associated with an organization, or is not certified, the diocesan staff are happy to help direct you. 

Also - Most directors give a first session free in order to see if there is a connection. It's may be valuable to have a few 'first' sessions to find a director with whom you have a connection. 

Here is one suggestion of how to find a good match as a spiritual director. 

How to Find a Spiritual Director